I've been in and out of work for 5 months now. It's been extremely stressful for me emotionally and financially. As much as I like temping, it's just not reliable enough for me (emotionally or financially). I've begun the hunt for a proper job, hopefully part time, casual if need be. Chris is still working at the hotel, he's enjoying it but I don't think he feels challenging enough, he complains that all he does it move furniture all day. However, he has been promoted to supervisor and he got another raise today. I've told him to go in on Monday armed with some info and ask for a proper raise, he's still making far less than he technically should based on Calgary's job market. I'm doing all the research for him (as I'm a lazy bum who doesn't have her own work to do at the moment).
In April I had a BPD breakdown and wound up in the psych ward at the PLC. I was only in there for 2 days which just gave me enough time to get some help with my emotional distress. I'm also back to seeing Dr. Coll who is (hopefully) going to help me with my sleep disorder. Speaking of my sleep disorder. I'm no longer seeing Dr. M. He kept me waiting in the waiting room for over an hour (the third time he'd done this to me) so I told the receptionist that I was not going to wait for the "egocentric wind bag who loves the sound of his own voice" any longer and asked to be transferred to another doctor. I'm now seeing Dr. Flotre at the sleep institute and he's punting me back to Dr. Coll to deal with the disorder (if Dr. Coll is qualified). As for the drugs Dr. M. put me on, Dr. Coll is trying to wean me off of them because they're addicting, and he doesn't want me to build up a tolerance to them thus rendering them useless.
Dr. Stzukowski is getting me blood tests to test my fertility (so that as soon as my A1C is down, currently at 8.0%) I can get to work getting preggers. Poor Chris (cue the sad violin music) has to provide a sample to test whether he's the "problem". I'm finding it difficult to muster any sympathy for him as I've got to have a million blood tests, possibly a hysterosalpingogram and all he's got to do is provide a sample in a cup.
Maya is much better than she was last time I wrote. Her eye is fine. She's starting to develop those lumps again, but we figure that we'll just let them grow (they don't hurt her) and she can die with them. She's really slowed down a lot and is a lot more grey than even last month.
Mush, on the other hand, is not doing so well. In November she was diagnosed with panosteitis which means her bones are inflamed. She's been in a lot of pain on and off since February but we just figured it was part of her disorder and dismissed it. Finally, last weekend, she was in pain all day every day for 3 days (long weekend, vet was closed) we gave her baby Tylenol for the pain and I took her in first thing Tues. morning. Well, trouble is, she's twisted her back (probably when she first started exhibiting signs of pain in Feb.) So, she's on special medication, and she's confined to a small area so she can't run around and hurt her back any more. It's a long shot but she could potentially paralyse herself. She's not in any pain at the moment, thanks to the pills and hopefully the rest she's getting will give her back time to heal.
Alastar, the wunder cat is on antidepressants. He was peeing in strange places which is apparently a sing of obsessive compulsive disorder. The pills he's on are, technically anti-depressants, but work to control OCD as well. He was a bit gorked when we first put him on them but he's back to his old self and isn't peeing anywhere.
Murdoch is fine, we had him shaved except for a puff at the end of his tail, but health-wise, he's fine.
My parents and grandpa are going to Hawaii in about a week. That means that we get to look after Susie, Parsley and Ceasar for two weeks. Oh joy of joys!
I was at a garage sale and saw a 1903 Bell upright grand piano. So, of course, I bought it. Now, I'm trying to get rid of my "old" piano, my 1968 Hammond Console. It's a damn good piano, but it can't compare to a Bell! The Bell needs a lot of work, I think just getting it fully playable is going to cost me about $700. To refinish it, unless we can do it ourselves, is going to be about another $2000-$3000. Oh well, it's worth it. I've got John Musselwhite, the piano tech, coming on June 10th to take a look at it. He's probably going to have kittens when he sees what shape its in. Oh well.
We're nearly finished the kitchen (FINALLY!!!!) Chris will be screwing down the counter tops tonight and we'll probably tile on the weekend. Our next big project will be installing a new patio door. Then (cue scary music) developing the basement. It shouldn't be too bad, we've got it all mapped out on AutoCAD.
Chris is making his own beer now, beer is disgustingly expensive and we simply can't afford to buy it any more. (Not that he drinks copious amounts, it's just grossly expensive.)
I will try to be more diligent in posting, but I can't promise miracles.
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